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Simplifying Ternary Operators

Using complex ternary operators can obscure the structure of the conditions, making the code harder to read.

📝 Code Example

The following code assigns 'BOTH', 'A', or 'NONE' to status based on ACondition and BCondition.

const status =
  ACondition && BCondition
    ? "BOTH"
    : NotBoth
    ? "NONE"
    : ACondition
    ? "A"
    : undefined;

👃 Smell the Code


This code uses multiple nested ternary operators, making it difficult to quickly understand the exact conditions under which values are calculated.

✏️ Work on Improving

You can rewrite the conditions using if statements, as shown below, to make the logic clearer and easier to follow.

const status = (() => {
  if (ACondition && BCondition) {
    return "BOTH";

  if (ACondition) {
    return "A";

  return "NONE";