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Managing Responsibilities Individually

Avoid creating functions, components, or hooks that handle all tasks of the same type. Managing too many contexts at once makes it difficult to predict the scope of impact when making changes.

📝 Code Example

The following usePageState() hook manages the URL query parameters for the entire page at once.

import moment, { Moment } from "moment";
import { useMemo } from "react";
import {
} from "use-query-params";

const defaultDateFrom = moment().subtract(3, "month");
const defaultDateTo = moment();

export function usePageState() {
  const [query, setQuery] = useQueryParams({
    cardId: NumberParam,
    statementId: NumberParam,
    dateFrom: DateParam,
    dateTo: DateParam,
    statusList: ArrayParam

  return useMemo(
    () => ({
      values: {
        cardId: query.cardId ?? undefined,
        statementId: query.statementId ?? undefined,
          query.dateFrom == null ? defaultDateFrom : moment(query.dateFrom),
        dateTo: query.dateTo == null ? defaultDateTo : moment(query.dateTo),
        statusList: query.statusList as StatementStatusType[] | undefined
      controls: {
        setCardId: (cardId: number) => setQuery({ cardId }, "replaceIn"),
        setStatementId: (statementId: number) =>
          setQuery({ statementId }, "replaceIn"),
        setDateFrom: (date?: Moment) =>
          setQuery({ dateFrom: date?.toDate() }, "replaceIn"),
        setDateTo: (date?: Moment) =>
          setQuery({ dateTo: date?.toDate() }, "replaceIn"),
        setStatusList: (statusList?: StatementStatusType[]) =>
          setQuery({ statusList }, "replaceIn")
    [query, setQuery]

👃 Smell the Code


This hook has a broad responsibility: "managing all the query parameters needed for this page." Because of this, components or other hooks within the page may start depending on it, which can rapidly increase the scope of impact when modifying the code.

Over time, this hook may become burdensome to maintain and could evolve into a difficult-to-modify piece of code.


This hook can also be analyzed from a readability perspective.

✏️ Work on Improving

You can create separate hooks for each query parameter, as shown in the following code.

import { useQueryParam } from "use-query-params";

export function useCardIdQueryParam() {
  const [cardId, _setCardId] = useQueryParam("cardId", NumberParam);

  const setCardId = useCallback((cardId: number) => {
    _setCardId({ cardId }, "replaceIn");
  }, []);

  return [cardId ?? undefined, setCardId] as const;

By separating the responsibilities of the hook, you can narrow the scope of impact when making changes.

This helps prevent unintended consequences when the hook is modified.